7 Traits Distinguishing Millennials from Other Generations

Youssef Ahmed
2 min readJul 20, 2021

The millennial generation, often known as Generation Y, is made up of individuals born between the early 1980s and the early 1990s, with some extending into the early 2000s. This generation is the most widespread in modern times, and it’s worth mentioning that it’s also the first to be born into the technology age and to have reached adulthood in a new millennium.

Generation Y members may exhibit a range of characteristics; here are a few of the most common:

1) Challenges the hierarchy status-quo

Millennials are known for their willingness to share their thoughts and ideas, as well as to challenge their bosses when they believe it is necessary. Millennials also appear to like working across several roles, giving innovative solutions, and transcending professional position and level boundaries.

2) Intuitive knowledge of technology

Many millennials have experienced the rapid advancement of technology as they have grown from childhood to adulthood. Millennials appear to have evolved the ability to quickly adjust to new and more sophisticated technology when it becomes accessible as a result of this expansion. Millennials may be the first generation to be fully globalized online during their youth and early adulthood.

3) Open and adaptive to change

Millennials are not only adaptable to change, but they also welcome it. This generation has frequently been credited for putting in advancements in business, technology, and the economy. This generation’s ability to adapt to the constantly changing environment in which they live also allows them to grow in and take on a range of occupations.

4) Free-thinking and creative

It could be due to the large availability of technology mediums, or the fact that millennials grew up amid the change from traditional to modernized and technologically sophisticated working techniques.

5) Conscious

One of their most distinguishing characteristics is a socially conscious worldview. Millennials have learned to appreciate one another’s diversity. Millennials are the most aware generation to date when it comes to health, social, economic, and environmental challenges.

6) Authentic

Millennials desire authenticity. They want to be true to themselves, their ideals, and their uniqueness. Millennials don’t want to play “the game” like their parents did. For many generations, the price of participating in the game was too high: failed marriages, exhaustion, a lack of work-life balance, despair, and so on.

7) Diverse

Millennials are more tolerant of people of all backgrounds. It makes no difference what color their skin is, how they dress, or what religion they belong to.

We don’t care what color your skin is, what country you’re from, what gender you belong to, what gender you’re attracted to, or even what God or Gods you pray to since millennials are very open-minded about diversity.



Youssef Ahmed

24 years old non-fiction writer and an English literature major. I write about real topics, from the real world, for the real people. STAY WOKE.